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Requesting Accommodations

Any qualified student with a documented disability may request reasonable accommodations, adjustments, and auxiliary aids and services. The purpose of accommodations and modifications is to reduce or eliminate any disadvantages that may exist because of an individual’s disability.


Niagara University has a responsibility to provide program access (including physical access, access to programs, services, activities, and instruction) to qualified students with disabilities. This means that the University provides reasonable and appropriate accommodations, academic adjustments, and/or auxiliary aids for individuals with disabilities upon request. Reasonable accommodations may include providing printed materials in an alternative format, an interpreter, access to assistive technology, relocating services to accessible locations, and providing extended time on tests.

Students with disabilities must register with Niagara University’s Accessibility Services, provide documentation of disability, and request needed accommodations. Accessibility Services has the responsibility of determining what reasonable accommodation is and providing the accommodation in a timely manner. “Ultimately, a student with a disability requires alternative arrangements only when faced with a task that requires skill that her disability precludes”

Students should contact Accessibility Services with any questions regarding accommodations.  If a student had a 504 plan or IEP in high school, please reach out to Accessibility Services to discuss how you can provide documentation and request accommodations.  Or if a student never had accommodations before, please reach out to Accessibility Services staff to discuss and review potential accommodations based on documentation of disability.  

Academic Accommodations

Non-Academic Accommodations