Actuarial Science program combines coursework in math, computer science, economics and finance.
Actuaries use mathematics to analyze risk in insurance, pension, and other financial situations. It takes a combination of strong analytical skills, business knowledge and understanding of human behavior to design and manage programs that control risk. The actuarial profession has consistently been rated as one of the top five jobs in the United States according to Jobs Rated Almanac.
The program prepares students to take the first two actuarial science exams.
Our students are prepared to work for Insurance companies and banks.
The coursework includes courses from Math, Computer Science, Economics and Finance. This gives the students a lot of valuable skills when entering the job market.
Our class sizes are small. The math classes starting in your sophomore year will have around ten students per class. The students will get a lot of individual attention from the faculty to help them succeed.
The coursework prepares the students to take the first 2 actuarial exams (Exam P and Exam FM).
Insurance Agent
Data Analyst