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Health Services Resources

random picture of students or building on the NU Campus

Patient Confidentiality

Patient confidentiality is strictly enforced. Medical personnel may provide information to others only with the written permission from the student and only to those authorized by the student. Patients may restrict or limit the nature of the information to be provided. Upon written authorization, medical personnel may speak with the faculty verifying the student’s illness and treatment.

An Authorization for Disclosure of Health Information form can be found on the Required Student Health Form.

Patient Bill of Rights

Niagara University Student Health Services recognizes its responsibility to respect the basic human rights of all patients who seek treatment here.

Patient Responsibilities

We recognize that to be effective, the effort must be a partnership. The patient and the healthcare team work together for a common goal. As a patient you will be expected, to the best of your ability, to assume a share of the responsibility for your healthcare.

University Sexual Misconduct Policy

This document is to provide a single, easily accessible, and user-friendly document for students, employees, and community members to find information regarding Niagara University’s student conduct rules, policies, methods to promote awareness, rights, protections, and procedures regarding sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking.