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Dr. Krieg Tidemann

Director of Enrollment and Operations Assistant Professor of Economics

Bisgrove Hall, 170

Office Hours:
T: 10:30 - 12 and 1 - 3 p.m.,
W: 10:30 - 12 p.m. and TH: 10 - 11 a.m. Online

Phone: 716.286.8158


Dr. Krieg Tidemann


Dr. Krieg Tidemann joined the faculty in the fall of 2019. He earned his Ph.D. in economics from Syracuse University in 2019.

Focus of Teaching

Dr. Krieg Tidemann teaches several undergraduate courses related to microeconomics. This includes principles of microeconomics, intermediate microeconomics, labor economics, and economics of the public sector.  He also teaches the MBA economics for managers course and applied econometrics at both the graduate (MBA/MSF) and undergraduate level.

Current Research

Dr. Krieg Tidemann’s primary research interests focus on applied microeconomics, market ethics, and pedagogical innovation.  His interests in applied microeconomics are centered at the intersection of labor, public and urban economics. In particular, he is interested in the labor and housing market impacts of minimum wage laws and other public policies targeting low-skilled workers. Dr. Tidemann’s research in market ethics focuses on examining the moral duties for ethical exchange, with a particular emphasis on the role of religion and the Catholic Church in promoting moral markets.

Current Involvement

  • AACSB Accreditation Officer
  • University Senate
  • Middle States Steering Committee, Assessment Workgroup Co-Chair
  • 403(b) Investment Committee
  • NU Academic Innovation Hub Advisory Board
  • HCBA Quality Assurance and Accreditation Committee (QAAC) Chair

Educational Background

  • Ph.D., Syracuse University
  • M.S., Marquette University
  • B.A., Marquette University