Dr. Lisa A. Kilanowski
Associate Professor - Professional Studies
Academic Complex - Third Floor, Suite 328B
Phone: 716.286.8797
Dr. Lisa A. Kilanowski is the Associate Dean for the College of Education and an associate professor of school psychology in the Department of Counseling and Applied Psychology at Niagara University. She is also the school psychology program director. Dr. Kilanowski’s primary research interests include Multitiered Systems of Support (MTSS), Response to Intervention (RtI), reading disabilities, assessment and intervention in reading, math, and written expression, school reform and systems change, multitiered systems of prevention in behavior and counseling, leadership in the profession of school psychology, and advanced integration of neuropsychological principles and RtI data in the assessment of learning disabilities in K-12 environments.
Dr. Kilanowski routinely provides extensive district consultation, policy writing assistance, and professional development regarding the implementation of preventative academic and mental health models across New York state, in addition to presenting on the subject nationally. Since 2008, Dr. Kilanowski has trained thousands of school district and building leaders, school psychologists, and teachers via the provision of workshops dedicated to various aspects of schoolwide prevention models.
Similarly, Dr. Kilanowski has been pleased to present on a wealth of topics consistent with her research interests at national school psychology and education conferences, having written several articles, books, book chapters, and other scholarly contributions relative to the field of school psychology. Dr. Kilanowski is the Past President of the Trainers of School Psychologists, New York (TSP-NY), a current board member of the New York Association of School Psychologists (NYASP), and a graduate program reviewer for the National Association of School Psychologists.
Focus of Teaching
- School psychology
- RtI
- Consultation
- Learning disability identification
- Reading intervention
- Evaluation of reading curricula
- Systems change in schools
- Preventative programming in schools
- Program evaluation
Current Research
- Leadership in School Psychology
- Reading Assessment and Supplemental Reading Intervention
- Dyslexia
- COVID-19 and Family Functioning
- School Psychologists as Mental Health Providers
- Current Involvement
- Past-President, Trainers of School Psychology, New York
- New York Association of School Psychologists (NYASP)
- NASP Program Approval Board, Lead Reviewer
Educational Background
- Doctor of Education in School Psychology with an emphasis on the neuropsychology of learning disabilities, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
- M.S./CAS School Psychology, Niagara University
- B.A. Psychology, University at Buffalo