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Political Science

Bachelor of Arts

Overview of Political Science Program

Political science is dedicated to developing student understanding of the institutions of government and the formulation and implementation of domestic and foreign policy.

Our approach prepares students to think independently, appreciate alternative perspectives, and critically analyze current events. We seek to nurture student appreciation of law and legal reasoning, other cultures and political systems, and the role of the United States in the world community. We are dedicated to the development of the whole student, one who is culturally sensitive and able to apply qualitative and quantitative methodologies to political, economic, social, cultural, gender-based, and legal questions. We encourage students to consider the ethical implications of policies and governmental actions, and to become active citizens at both the local and global levels.

The breadth and diversity of political science makes it a discipline well suited for answering the major issues challenging the world of the 21st century.

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Why Political Science at NU?

Critical Thinking

Students acquire proficiency in writing, communication, critical thinking skills, advocacy, and analysis, all of which are critical to a well-rounded and educated individual.


Political science faculty introduce scientific and philosophical perspectives in order to develop student ability to examine the United States, regions of the world, international relations, and the nature of government.


Over 90 percent of political science students go on to law school and graduate school within the first year of graduation.

Justice House Experience

Our program offers a range of opportunities, including scholarships, paid internships, stipends for participating in our vibrant living and learning community, as well as housing for students interested. We offer a major and a minor in justice studies and participation in the Justice House Honor Society.

FPO testimonial photo
"Niagara truly understands the diverse care er field of accounting. Faculty help students see paths beyond the traditional CPA route, and advise them on which ones may suit them best. I took electives in data analytics, which led me to a career in fraud detection and deterrence."​
Brandon Andrews, ’17
Auditor/Investigator NYS Office of the Attorney General​


Lawyer / Legal Assistant
Policy Analysis
Political Consulting
Public Relations

Honor Society

Political Science
Faculty & Staff


Dr. David Reilly

Dr. David Reilly
Department Chair

Dr. Kevin A.


Assistant Professor

Phone: 716.286.8083



Dr. Christopher


Associate Professor

Phone: 716.286.8280



Dr. Jamie Pamelia


Associate Professor

Phone: 716.286.8337



Dr. David A.



Phone: 716.286.8088

