Dr. Timothy Lauger is a native of Northern Wisconsin who attended Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He received his doctorate in criminal justice from Indiana University in 2010 after engaging in an 18-month ethnographic study of active gang members in Indianapolis. Rutgers University Press published his book that resulted from that study, Real Gangstas: Legitimacy, Reputation, and Violence in the Intergang Environment, in September of 2012.
Dr. Lauger has also published on gangs, violence, street culture, and religiosity and deviance in journals like Justice Quarterly, Social Problems, Sociology of Religion, Sociology Compass, and Criminal Justice Review. He has also contributed numerous chapters to books about gangs, violence, and street culture.
Since coming to Niagara University, Dr. Lauger has worked on multiple grants with NU colleagues and local criminal justice and social service agencies to address or assess gun violence, probation revocations, and opioid overdoses in Niagara County.
Over the last few years, Dr. Lauger has taught several criminal justice courses at NU, including Introduction to Criminal Justice, Urban Crime Problems, Police Reform, and Criminal Justice Management.
Away from work, Dr. Lauger spends most of his time with his family, coaching youth baseball, and serving his local church.